How to get anything you want


If you are interested in how to get anything you want, watch the video below. Even though I don’t believe in the ‘universe’ as this young lady in the video below, (I believe in Jesus Christ), the message is still the same.

I do believe that all spirituality – structured or not – has an underlying theme: thoughts become actions, actions become habits, habits become your lifestyle. That’s facts right there. It’s EXTREMELY important to control your thoughts and be deliberate and intentional about the things you think about, and the things you let enter your mind (tv shows, music, etc). Be intentional.

In my opinion, thoughts are 100% spiritual. Spiritual things are powerful and have the power to change the natural. So you MUST only think about what it is you want to become and the positive aspects of who you are now.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

– 2 Cor 12 vs 5

Essentially this is saying to reject all negative thoughts, and accept and receive all positive thoughts, because Christ is love… and love is positivity, high self esteem and self worth, and wants you to be the best version of yourself.

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he

– Proverbs 23 v 7

Essentially this is saying that whatever you think you are, is exactly what you are & what you continue to be. And that’s what you attract in life. That’s why you have to think highly of yourself and think about the things you want to achieve and the person you want to be.

There are many many many many videos just like this, but I love how she gets right to the point and explains it very well. It all begins with your mindset.


It’s the spiritual blueprint for:

  • how to achieve your dreams
  • how to manifest your dreams into reality,
  • how to overcome anxiety & depression
  • how to improve self esteem & self worth

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